Music Scapes
& Song on the Spot !
A Planet Tallawah Music Scapes Project
This work has been engaged by and supports neurodiverse individuals and groups

1. Intuitive & Present Musical Experience
2. Musical Interpretation of your Content
3. Individual or Group Music Facilitation
4. Holistic Musical Activities and Games
5. Music Theory & Flute Lessons
6. Classy, Engaging Performances
Lately, it seams the Spark of Energy moves through these happenings: Greeting, Connection, Intention, Engagement, Exploration, Play, Creation, Observation, Action, Manifestation... the Journey of the Song
Connections, Expressions, Queries, Activities, Journeys, Games, Research, Explorations, Creations, Discoveries, Messages, Intentions, Manifestations ... may become Ditties, Melodies, Whispers, Messages ... Songs


Click for Video Presentation

To me This Life is a Song. A Song in a Musical Landscape of billions and billions and multiple more continuous billions of other Songs within Songs within Songs !
Gratitude and Blessings to the Music of This Life Song Forever !
My name is Eileen Eryn Rene. I like to think of myself as a continuous unfolding Song
Music brings the Spirit the Messages and the Messages Guide the Spirit
and the Spirit creates More Musical Messages !
I've enjoyed three decades of sharing group music making in
spaces of refuge and care, social justice events, retreat centers, youth camps & more
I hold a Master of Arts in Community Music from Wilfrid Laurier University
Jazz Intro Certificate from Humber College and
continue education and training through
Certified Music Care from Room 217 Foundation
My current Creative Play Space is Planet Tallawah - an Energetic Landscape, a Message Transmitting Field, where Creativity, Exploration, Imagination, Silliness
and Natural Magic love to Interconnect and Play ! ~
This Space is housed in Kindness, Mystery, Exploration and Wonder !
My Musical Relationships !
My First Love is Flute, and I Dance with Piano and Guitar occasionally for Songwriting and Interpreting Lyrics. Djembe, Conga, Tongue Drum and several other Percussion relatives bathe us in Melodic Rhythms when Inspired as well as Electronic Drum Loops or Programmed cousins, may join us in play.
I Vibe with those Whom the Spirit Connects from the Heart !
I Love to Engage, Explore, Learn, Muse, Sing, Musickize,
Instrumentize, Harmonize and Reflect through Play !
I love to Create Organic Portals of Engagement and Exchange !
when together, we create Natural Synergy !
you can reach me directly at:
music.scapes777@gmail.com , or 416-604-5749 (24hr vmail)​
music-scapes.com and songonthespot.ca
have been created for the purpose of creating personalized musical experiences and songs
I Identify as a member of a Great Race of Peoples originating on African soil. I acknowledge the original Peoples of this region of T'Karonto, to be the Anishinaabe Nation, the Haudenausonee, the Iroquiois Peoples, Huron Wendat, the Metis and Mohawk

* Thank-you so much for bringing us all together today for a delightful community experience with our sangha,
our song we created is just perfect !
- Victoria H. (meditation center director)
* Thank you ! The staff and the girls were very engaged and really enjoyed your workshops !
- Rachel (girls camp coordinator)
* Our family really enjoyed your interactive songwriting for Culture Days. Thank you !
- Diana K. (Culture Days attendee)
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 2T6
Phone: 416-604-5749